The Impact Agency
Is a lack of awareness of your brand leading to a lack of appreciation for your cause?
TWIST is here to help. Since our founding, the Fearless Thinkers at TWIST have helped nonprofit foundations, institutions, and direct service causes live their mission within their budget. The work we do enhances brand awareness, clarity, and value. We’ll help engage your donors, board members, volunteers, grantees, partners, clients, and team members differently than you may have before.
Alumni & Donor Engagement Strategy
Brand Strategy
Capital Campaign Strategy & Messaging
Creative Development
Identity & Materials Design
Enrollment Campaigns
Key Message Platform
Media Strategy & Planning
Media Negotiations & Buying
Public Relations
Social Media Strategy & Execution
Strategic Reporting
Web Design
The Build Your Brand & Enhance Your Impact Package is designed for direct service nonprofits, institutions, and community grantmaking foundations who are struggling for awareness and clarity of services among their target audiences. This package provides a complete brand platform for an organization, foundation, or institution in need of a brand refresh and a new key message platform to reach clients, employees, or partners. The services included in the package include strategy, message, identity and logo updates, and a communications plan that defines key audiences’ paths to engagement.
The Find Your Donor Package is focused on identifying your ideal funder and creating a strategy to build appreciation for your value. There is a generational transition occurring that puts many non-profits in the position of having to pivot their pitch for the next generation of donors. Strategy, messaging, and outreach to this next generation are exactly what this package delivers. The strategy and campaigns that are the outcome of this work are intended to help non-profits transform one-time donors into long-term givers.
If your organization is in need of funding for capital improvements or to expand your impact on those you serve, the Raise Capital Package is the option we recommend. Ideal for direct service and institutional non-profits who are seeking to enhance appreciation of their value to the community in order to attract large dollar donors.
With our media partner, CMT Consulting, TWIST produces and places integrated campaigns to help nonprofit foundations, institutions, and direct service causes live their mission within their budget. Our two decades of success with nonprofit brands mean we have had the opportunity to build winning strategies for a range of nonprofits. We provide a full-service, fixed-fee solution.
Contact Charlene Coughlin to schedule an information session for your brand and marketing needs.